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Euro Coins



A neobank app that would allow one to store, save, and make money.

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UX/UI Designer

Final Project for "CareerFoundry" course

-Solo Project

-Conducted Surveys/Interviews

-Developed Problem Statement

-Developed User Personas

-Conducted Usability Testing

-Created everything from Wireframes to High-Fidelity Prototype


Problem Statement

Working adults living in a pandemic economy need a way to find and locate options/features in the app more seamlessly, store cards, have a means of tracking saving goals, as well as be able to view stock market activity because it would give them better  peace of mind as far as their finances go.


Due to the pandemic, actually MEETING with participants for interviews became something of an impossibility. That said, I rose to the challenge and conducted interviews via Zoom as well as video calls so as to get the data I needed

The End Result

Was able to deliver a High-Fidelity Prototype that allowed users to save, store, and transfer money.


Interviews and surveys done, next came Persona creation. In the end, I created Rebecca and Walter for the sake of this project. One, a younger generation looking to create a safer financial future. While the other is more of a businessman.

Interviews and surveys done, next came Persona creation. In the end, I created Rebecca and Walter for the sake of this project. One, a younger generation looking to create a safer financial future. While the other is more of a businessman.

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